General News Updates 2006
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12/24/06 - Wishing all of our friends in the modeling community the a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! This is the time to share with family and friends the spirit of the season in preparation for another exciting year ahead. We thank you all for your friendship and support. Sharing our passion with friends around the world makes what we do worth while for us and hopefully brings some happiness and diversion from the day to day responsibilities of life for all we touch Be safe...............drink and drive responsibly...............PLEASE! 11/25/06 - In the last few days if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser you probably have not been able to access our web site, but the issue has now been corrected. There was a technical issue with our hosting company that affected only Internet Explorer (most all versions) and we had been unaware of the problem until one of our German clients notified us of his difficulty. When ever you experience a problem with our site please let is know so we can resolve it as quickly as possible. Our apologies for the inconvenience and disappointment during this situation. 11/23/06 - We would like to wish all of our state-side friends a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Enjoy family and friends, enjoy the spirit of the holiday and travel safe! A special note of thanks to all of you serving in the military that share our passion for trains, we honor your dedication and service and greatly appreciate the sacrifices that you make every day to help in keeping our country safe and strong. We understand that the holiday season can be particularly difficult as many of you are away from family and friends, at least know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of many who may not know you personally, but share your love of country. 11/01/06 - Shown below is the first of our new series of photos for our 'Allegheny' project. This is a sample of our Virginian 'AG' with a sample of our Virginian C-10 caboose. You begin to gain some perspective on just how large the 'AG' was when you compare the size of the tender to the C-10. The overall length of the locomotive and caboose is 40 inches. For more information on this project check out the 'Allegheny' project site. Be sure to check out the postings on our other project sites as well. We have been wading through a back log of paperwork and are slowly but surely beginning to get caught up which will allow is to make good on our promised web postings! We greatly appreciate your continued interest and patience.
9/20/06 - It has been way too long since our last update, but trust in the fact that our 'silence' has not been as a result of lack of activity or developments. On the contrary, we have never been busier with our projects, so busy that our web site and all of our paperwork has suffered. We are diligently working to catch up with all aspects of the business that have been wanting for attention as we have concentrated on advancing our numerous projects. In addition to updating our project information we owe some comments on the shows and conventions that we have attended in recent weeks. Just to recap, our active projects at this time are: the C&O/Virginian Alleghenies, Union Pacific Challenger, N&W CF/C2 cabooses, PRR G22b gondola with containers and the PRR N5/N5b Cabin cars. In addition we have been pulling together data for our next projects, we will offer further comment on this near term. We will be attending the Indy O Scale Meet this coming weekend and we are looking forward to seeing many of you there. We will be displaying our latest H-8 and AG sample models which have just arrived and I guarantee that you have never seen models with the amount of detail these models offer. Allegheny customer updates are in the works and will be sent out next week for all of our reservation holders. A general update is also in process for our mailing list members and that will be going out at the end of next week or the first of the following week. When you have a chance to see what we have been working on, you'll better understand why we have not been out front and communicating as usual. We will be offering some observations regarding he current state of the brass model business as we get caught up and I know that there is a lot of interest in that subject based on the conversations we have had we a number of you in recent weeks. Just to confirm, we are alive and we'll be updating more shortly. Thanks for your continued interest and support! 8/08/06 - We are getting back to a more normal routine these days and will be updating our site substantially in the next few days. Many thanks to all of you that have offered great words of encouragement and support in the last several weeks! 6/26/06 - With the impending show schedule I felt it important to let all that are interested know that we will be trying our best to keep our schedule as posted on this site. Although our personal family situation has not improved as much as we had hoped for, it is of obvious importance that we try to maintain our commitments as best we can. We have a lot project activity to report and show despite our distractions; we will be showing a pre-production sample for our Allegheny project, we will have a sample of our next locomotive project which has not even been announced, we'll have our Norfolk & Western caboose samples which are in production now, our PRR G22b gondola w/containers will be on display, we'll have an assortment of 'Pennsy' K-4s with us and we are very excited to have our lead designer from Korea traveling with us as well. We are working very hard at this point to get back on task and caught up, we may even be able to prove those announcing or predicting our demise wrong! The concern and interest expressed by many of you for our family has been greatly appreciated and I publicly thank you. The care of the elderly in this country is a disgrace and many of you have experienced the same situations our family has based on your messages. As time allows I plan on putting together a web site dedicated to our experiences and how we have gone about dealing with them, the purpose being that it may help some of you that are facing or will face the same sorts of problems. Be proactive on behalf of those you love, few will care more or as much as you! 6/11/06 - I have to take time to offer an apology to all of you that have tried to get in touch with us during the last three weeks, we have again experienced serious health issues within our family and it has taken our attention away from our usual business activities. We sincerely hope that all will be back to normal beginning this coming week and we will be working even more overtime than usual (if that's possible) trying to get caught up on our messages, shipping and correspondence. Thank you so much for your continued interest and support! Be looking for numerous new postings in the coming days, there is a lot happening despite the distractions!! 4/23/06 - We regret that we were not able to make our scheduled show date at the TCA show in York, Pennsylvania this past weekend, but the time was put to good use in trying to get caught up with our shipping responsibilities on our latest project. We certainly missed the opportunity to meet with those of you that we normally see at the TCA meet. Shown below are two photos of the completed Norfolk & Western C2 (top) and CF (bottom) cabooses. These photos were taken in Korea by Mr. Lee and Mr. Shin just prior to shipping the samples to our shop, we expect their arrival early this week. Once we have the samples in hand we will be do a complete photo review to be posted to the N&W caboose project site. We are extremely excited about the potential for this project and we plan on making the official offering in the next two weeks with a mailing going first to our existing customers per our usual practice. If these projects are of interest be sure to check back over the next few days for complete photo coverage of the samples. 4/08/06 - Just a brief update comment to highlight new information that has been posted to a couple of our project sites. You'll notice that we are making great headway on our new rolling stock projects and that is due to a new operation that has been formed explicitly for these and future projects. The operation headed by Mr. Seon Bong Shin is called S.B. Models, Mr. Shin has 29 years experience in the business of building models and we are thrilled with his companies work to this point, be sure to check out the project updates to have a first hand look at what is developing. The new operation is being developed in close cooperation with our primary builder S.J. Models and the future looks very promising. We will be updating our K-4 and H-8 project sites shortly to offer the latest status on those particular projects, we are behind in our updates because our focus remains on shipping K-4 models to anxiously awaiting customers. In addition, we'll have some new announcements regarding future projects, both 'for sure' projects and a couple that we are seriously pursuing, so check back soon. 3/14/06 - Our K-4 shipping efforts continue, we have our head down and are working full force to get caught up with our deliveries. During this time it will continue to be difficult to get in touch with us by phone, if you would like to speak with us please leave a message and we'll get back to you just as quickly as possible. E-mail is a good option for contacting us as well because we can answer your messages well into the early morning hours. We apologize for this inconvenience, but it is the only way that we can possibly get caught up. You may note that we have updated several project sites and we'll be doing more of that, although we are in the 'shipping' mode, work on new projects and in particular the next project to be announced have not ceased so we need to bring you up to speed as time allows. We are working to get back to our timely posting schedule for our site and we hope to be there soon! 2/20/06 - Our situation is slowly getting back to 'normal' after being overseas and then returning home to deal with a difficult family situation, the patience of those of you that have tried to contact in the last couple of weeks has been greatly appreciated. We are working full force at this point to deliver the completed K-4 models and we should be up to full speed in the next day or so. The K-4 delivery is more complex than most because of the final detailing that is required, all of the data plates have to be selected and applied individually and we chose to do it our shop to make certain that it was done correctly, if mistakes were made by the builder it would only be that much more difficult a situation to deal with. More comments will be offered on the K-4 update page regarding this project. We have a new general mail update prepared and ready to go, but unfortunately since the U.S. Postal Service raised it's postage rates, they failed to provide stamps in the correct denominations for mailing anything other than a first class letter. We hope to have the correct stamps available in the next day or two so we can finally get the mailing out to all of our customers and those of you that have requested to be on our mailing list. A special thank you goes out to John Bush and the Union Pacific Historical Society for the fantastic two-page article that they published in The Streamliner regarding our UP 9000 project. You may remember that John was the coauthor of the Union Pacific 'type' two-volume set of books along with Bill Kratville and was the source of most of our development information for our project. We are honored that they once again turned their attention to our efforts and we look forward to working with them again in the future. If you are not currently a member of the Union Pacific Historical Society we highly recommend that you pursue a membership, the organization is doing a fantastic job of not only preserving historically significant data and information, they are making it easily available to the membership, be sure to check out their web site. Be sure to check out the individual project sites for new updates, our new projects are beginning to move very fast and we are working hard to try and keep up with the efforts of our builder. 2/08/06 - A special note for those in attendance at the Nurnberg Toy Fair that were hoping to see us on the last day of the toy fair; unfortunately we had to leave the show a day early due to a death in our family. We offer our sincere thanks to the show management for making accommodations for our early departure and our apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet in person many of our new international clients at this years toy fair and it is our loss for anyone that we may have missed due to our early departure. Further comment will be offered regarding the Nurnberg Toy Fair this year in due course. 2/06/06 - The Nurnberg Toy Fair is under way and we are taking great pleasure in exhibiting our latest projects. We have been having a good deal of trouble accessing the Internet from the show as planned due to problems with the wireless infrastructure. If we can not get additional photos and information posted while still at the show, we will be sure to provide more information once we return home mid-week this week. The photo below shows our booth this year, although much the same in outward appearance, we have a whole new selection of models on display including our H-8 sample model and four production 'Pennsy' K-4's. In the next photo Mr. Lee our builder is happily posing with the wall of K-4's. It was a real pleasure to have Mr. Lee with us for a couple of days, but then he headed back home to continue working on our latest projects. As we mentioned, we hope to post more info in the next day or two so please check back soon. The first printed update of the new year has been printed and is ready to be mailed just as soon as we return from overseas, it should be showing up in your mail box next week if you are an existing customer or you have requested to be on our mailing list. 1/22/06 - We have posted new photos and information to both our H-8 and K-4 project sites, be sure to check them out. We have a new general mail update in production now that will highlight what we are working on as we begin the new year., the update should be in the mail hopefully before we head to Nurnberg Germany to participate in the Toy Fair there. Speaking of the Toy Fair, we will be trying something new this year in that we hope to be making real-time photo postings to our web site from the show so you can get an idea of just how big and impressive that show really is. You can visit the Toy Fair web site by clicking on the image immediately below. . . Unfortunately the Toy Fair is in conflict schedule wise with O Scale West in California this year so we will not be attending that show for the first time in about nine years. We will certainly miss being at O Scale West, it's a great group of people that put the show on and it's always one of the high-points of the year in terms of show attendance for us, we hope to be able to return next year if the scheduling works out. We would like to attend another west coast show this year to make up for our absence in Santa Clara, so if you have any good suggestions for us on shows please pass them along. Shown below is the first photo of our completed H-8 sample model, as always, please keep in mind that corrections, changes and modifications are yeat to be made. . |